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In-Flight Entertainment System


Delta's IFE was outdated. Virgin America was making headlines with its' new IFE system, which allowed seat-to-seat chat and food ordering service.

We were challenged with creating a product that would revolutionize the In-Flight entertainment industry 


After a lot of research on different systems (passengers take a lot of pictures of IFE's when they go on trips, which made our life easier), we designed a system that, on top of the regular movies + games + music channels, allowed for:

  • Contextual Advertising banners (which paid for the integration)

  • In-flight magazine exchange

  • Chat-to-chat -but only with approved members traveling together

  • Content share

  • A dedicated kid's channel, with customizable look & feel.



I was responsible for Strategy (with focus on "big ideas", UX and Visual Design), Information Architecture, Documentation, User Testing and QA


User flows (per channel)

Annotated Templates

© 2021 by adesouza

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